Holy crap! The last 6 months flew by since signing up for this BEAST of a race. And I'm not gonna lie, I am a bit sore today! The high was 91 yesterday, plenty beautiful deadly for a 5K running through the steep hills of Afton Alps in Hastings, MN..... along with 12 hellish obstacles.
But I made it!
This was right after I finished the race. The chunky lumpys you see in my shirt would be some sort of mulchy debris from that last mud pit I had to crawl through! I finished in 1 hour 20 min :) :) :)
The obstacles were nothing compared to the hills in this course. No joke. I cursed myself from signing up for this race for the first 2 miles, but once I got to the obstacle that was basically a glorified slip-N-slide for big kids, all was well.
Melina was such a trooper!! Apparently they lost her registration, and because we were in a big valley, she had no phone service to pull up the confirmation e-mail. So she came all that way with me to race and they wouldn't let her!! :(
Next year, girlfriend!
And of course, we had to get the obligatory turkey leg. It was FANTASTIC after the race, but soooo much more than I could eat.
And now I know how to train for the Warrior Dash next year.... Run up hills!