
DIY Corkboard

I picked up this large corkboard over at the Salvation Army a while back for $1.99.

I knew it had potential and that I could make it functional AND pretty for my house. I always try to keep my eyes open for any fun fabric I might find on the cheap to use in my projects at home. I found this rather large chunk of fabric at the thrift store one day for only $3.99! It's a creamy canvas type of fabric and was HUGE! Score.

Along with the fabric I scored, I knew I wanted to try using something like this. So I found some upholstery nails in the do-it-yourself section at Walmart. These were 96 cents for a 30 count pack. I grabbed four packs :)

First thing I did was lay the corkboard on the fabric and cut it to size leaving about an inch extra on all sides so I had enough to wrap it around and staple it to the back. I made sure I pulled the fabric tight with each staple so the front would have a smooth finish once I was done.

Once I got to the corners, I just folded them over nicely and gave it a few more staples. Then, I had a couple sawtooth hangers which I also stapled ( I looove my staple gun after this project!) onto the back, 16 inches apart so I could line the corkboard up with the studs in the wall. Here she is all covered up:

Using my Home Dept yardstick, I measured the sides and figured I could put a upholstery nail in every inch and a half or so, right where the outter wood trim meets the cork....... I love it!!!!

Now, I just need to figure out what lovely little things I can tack up on it :)

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